Negative Effects of screen time on child development

Screen time can have many negative effects on your child’s development and well-being. Too much screen time can damage your kid’s eyesight, attention span, sleep patterns and diet.

Negative Effects of screen time on child development

Why screen time can have serious troubles on your child ?

The negative effects on your child’s development are the following.

– Excessive screen time is linked to poor sleep quality.

– Excessive screen time may be linked to obesity in children.

– Excessive screen time can lead to sleep issues.

– Excessive screen time has been linked to poor diet.

– Excessive screen time may be linked to poor mental health.

How to make child spend less screen time ?

Some of the solutions you can actually do to prevent negative effects on your child’s development are :

– Create a screen-free zone

– A critical step in reducing screen time is to designating a screen-free zone. The best place for this is the bedroom, since the majority of children spend more than 90 minutes a day in their room.

– Limit the time your child spends on screens

– The next step is to actually limit the time children spend on screens. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 18 months avoid screens altogether, children between ages 2 and 5 limit screen time to one hour a day and those between the ages of 6 and 12 should stay within two hours of screen time a day.

– Let your child know why you are reducing screen time

– The last, but critical, step is to talk to your child about why you are reducing screen time and how it will benefit them. This may be especially helpful if your children are older and able to understand the reasons behind your decision.

Custom plushies as creative way to make child spend less screen time

Custom plushies are one of the ideal toys for your child to spend less screen time and help prevent negative effects on your child’s development. They are more creative, natural and can generate more imagination compared with the screen time. Moreover, they are better for the health of your child and family.